Santiago Betancur Z
Santiago Betancur Z was born in Colombia in 1967.?He lives and works in Miami. He earned a Master’s?degree in Fine Arts in Colombia in 1998. His works?are exhibited in a variety of galleries and institutions?around the world. Santiago’s life is inspired by light?and shadow, where he explores deep and complex?emotions that grab our interest, while confronting?and unsettling us. With his series of mystical figures,?he seeks to discover what hides behind our façade?and strip us of our own vanity. “Art is the science of?beauty,” he says. The artist also uses photography?to offer us close-up views of extraordinary and?fantastic patterns created by light shining on the surface of soap bubbles.
Santiago Betancur Z
Santiago’s life is inspired by light?and shadow, where he explores deep and complex?emotions that grab our interest, while confronting?and unsettling us.