Isabelle Braemer
Isabelle Braemer, an artist from Lyon, has been painting landscapes of forests, mountains, seaside, drawing portraits and doing engraving since 2007. She likes not to master everything, to start with a random gesture. Afterwards, we will have to come back and provide details. “I take tasks and I trace things that I recognize, like you do virtually when looking at clouds. I try to tell a story with them.” Isabelle seeks to capture the magical moment, to recreate the epiphany of happiness. This is how what remains is only a caricature of the landscape, what should be remembered. Creation for her is always the conflict between randomness and mastery and this ultimately produces an almost imaginary landscape, magnified as is done by memory.
Isabelle Braemer
I always start from a photo, from reality, it's a pretext, and this reality is doomed to become a memory, that is to say both surpassed and reconstituted.